Moving to BlogEngine.Net 2.5+Disqus to Stop Spam
Oct 1, 2011
Deleted 100K+ comments (again!)
Noticed that BlogEngine.NET 2.5 supports Disqus.
After upgrading I used this tool ( to move my comments over!
And also had to apply this BlogEngine Disqus Comment Count Fix
The last part I had to do was update scripts/blog.js to put the div.appendChild(p) below the (ul) in order for the rating text to appear as expected
showRating: function (container, id, raters, rating) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'rating';
var p = document.createElement('p');
if (raters == 0) {
p.innerHTML = BlogEngine.i18n.beTheFirstToRate;
else {
p.innerHTML = BlogEngine.i18n.currentlyRated.replace('{0}', new Number(rating).toFixed(1)).replace('{1}', raters);
var ul = document.createElement('ul');
ul.className = 'star-rating small-star';
Let’s see how spam will (hopefully) not be present anymore!
Please comment! (to double check that the system works)
I’ll be able to blog nicely and regularly again! Yay!