EasyPainter: Watercolor, Blood and Gloom Pixel Shaders
Feb 20, 2010
Click here to try the new effects in EasyPainter.
Original vs Zombie – can you figure out which one is which? :)
The new Blood shader works only on skin colors. To use it, you have to use the selection brush to select skin tones from the image.
Here is the Watercolor shader. It's very subtle, but I think it looks nice nevertheless. If anyone has suggestions for improvements, including a proper name for this shader, since it is really subtle - please let me know!
I also added a Gloom effect, the one from http://wpffx.codeplex.com
Little Tech Stuff
The "blood" is in fact the pastel texture from the Pastel effect, blended with Burn.
The watercolor is based on real tutorials on doing water color effects: it is a combination of [cheap horizontal] blur and sobel edge detection. Unfortunately, the blur has to be 2-pass to look good, and span larger area. I might improve it in the future. Anyway, the effect looks pleasing to me for now :)